Sunday, January 18, 2009


YES! Double oh seven. I love this number. Not as good as 77 but alas.

Interesting day they all are lately. Please hold while I make coffee at 9pm.

Ok coffee on desk, and just did some dishes...what an efficient little being I've become.

I propose that if a day were not interesting I should not be alive. At least at one point in every day I should be in awe of something. Which is kind of like writing awesome. ha.

Now I have worship music on and I am not far off from starting music production again. I wrote one song today. Yeah God. I have decided to put an end to the striving and the naysaying of my mind and just write. Write and accept it as good and pleasing to the Lord. I know I will get better as time goes on.

So...I tried out the new worship song tonight at prayer group and I took it that since everyone was singing along and harmonizing it might be at least powerful in word. Thank you Jesus! Thank you JESUS! ha.

I'm hoping that the headache is indeed a caffeine headache or I will be up all night with a caffeine buzz and a headache which undoubtedly would be from stress and things I have not yet turned over to God. God is breaking through. God is helping me gain victory in the areas I have struggled with for so long! I don't have enough words for thanks, but there is more to go. More to win, more land to claim back...territory that is rightfully mine because of Christ's victory on my behalf. Freedom. Freedom for my mind. Oh God, let it be so!

My mom bought me the "Horton Hears a Who" sweatshirt I really wanted. I had hoped she would and she did. I picked it up from the Post Office yesterday. jojo got her wish...thank God for the small things. What a good, gracious, ever attentive God we serve. And as if that wasn't enough, I was at B&N last night and wearing the hoodie and there was the book...I opened it to read it to my friend as to why it was SO important to me and my life...and I was ecstatic to see that jojo was in fact spelled the right way...cause it could have been some dumb variation but no, it was the name I was given. Precious.

I'm so glad I went to church today. I fought it again. But I am glad. I received some impartation of 3 singers' anointings and one dancer's anointing. I actually started manifesting under it...rare. focus is becoming clearer. It is not yet a laser beam, but we are making headway and I am having greater and greater faith. Then probably the strangest thing happened...I began experiencing a breaking of the stronghold of isolation that is over this city and has been over my life! I was kind of in shock. But I am so thankful for people I genuinely honor and think are wonderful. I am thankful that God is allowing us time to spend with each other in real time, face-to-face. There is nothing like being with others. Being with God is an entirely different thing....but being with other believers who are equally-yoked and all that goodness...all that...oh the joys!

sorry dance break...

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