Thursday, January 29, 2009


Well hello.

People are asking me if I am on drugs. Saying that my blonde is really coming through. I find all this really hilarious. The Bible does talk about us appearing foolish. I don't care if I seem like a fool. I've just got to be me. I think I've spent so long just hiding away. Thinking my body isn't great, thinking my nose is too big. All that stuff. I am so critical of myself. But I've just decided that you know, God loves me. He so loves me just the way I am. And I don't have to be ashamed of how I look or not let people see me. See me! I'm just who I am. No apologies for that. If you can't accept me for who I am, there is something wrong with you!

Jesus is just good. I'm so in love with him. He's amazing. Man, I can't believe I didn't see how amazing he really is. Or how for sooo long I've tried to let other people take the place that only he can hold. I mean it's only his. He created that vacuum, that void and only he can fill it. So I'm letting him...oh my gosh, he is the most amazing thing/person/place EVER!

I dunno. This is crazy talk! Isn't it??? But I was never taught as a child to make Jesus my hero. I was taught about Jesus. And later I was taught about intimacy with him...but all this time I've STILL been searching out someone or something to take his place. Mostly someone these days. And it really makes sense to me now that until I give Jesus the space that only he can have, I will not really understand who I am meant to be with. Makes me think about a lot of stuff that's transpired in recent months. And wonder what will become of it.

GONE! Are the anxious thoughts! GONE! I mean...I was only having them because I hadn't gave Jesus his rightful place. But with him there...there is no anxiety. This is an amazing way to live!

Who knows what's going to happen now? Who cares!??! It's up to him! And because he IS so incredibly amazing I don't doubt that what's coming my way is just like really going to shock me and blow my socks off.

Me and a friend have been recently praying for each other. He's been praying some kooky prayers which really started shaking things up for me. So I decided to maybe one up him...I started praying that God would send warring angels to block our paths so that we cannot tread down any path that is not God's full-will for our lives. I decided that with calls like ours drastic calls are necessary. BAR ME, GOD! Hedge me in. Don't let me even go into anything that is not meant for me. I'm so serious. I don't have time to waste.

Monday, January 26, 2009


Wow. Ten already. Ten different days I've had something to say that I deemed worthwhile enough to write down.

ugh. today is ridiculous.
someday i might tell you about my gifting and you might say back to me
wow i want that
i'm so jealous
or other silly words
but trust me
comes at a great cost to me
to my person
the person I think I am
the one I made myself to me
not the real me
the real me would jump at the chance
to be involved in the personal history of another
and not think for one second what it cost her
or what it held in store for her
she is a giver
and i
i take
i could suck the life right out of you in 15 seconds flat
if i really wanted to
i could
cause i'm that gross inside
but that's just me
not the real me
the real me dances for joy and doesn't care who is watching
the real me gives her money away and away and away
trusting, oh so trusting
the real me would hug you and kiss you without a second thought
of it being weird or romantic or scary
and one day we might just find it being that
but the real me wouldn't think about that before she jumped
she just dives in and sinks
knowing there are hands to grab her and save her
cause she knows love
that casts out fear

That's how I feel today. Well some of it. I've got a God-directive. I made an agreement with the man upstairs and I, in my foolishness and selfishness, whine and complain and ask a load of questions that sound like a two-year-old. Why? Why? Why? Whine. Whine. Whine.


Two are stronger than one. A chord of three strands cannot be easily broken. So mister, I'm standing by you. I know you don't know what transpired between me and God. I know you aren't even reading this blog. But...God cares about you THIS much! THIS MUCH! That he would ask another human being to seriously give of herself so that you might live. I think that God is simply AMAZING! he is. And he's not letting you go and he doesn't want me to back out of my commitment to see this through for you. That's some serious shit. That's haseed love, mister. That's stuff I've not really dealt in before. I'm not used to this. I'm not used to how much of myself has to die in order to let Christ live in and through me. That's just not normalcy for me. So I kinda new I was making a covenant when I said yes to God, but I didn't think it was going to be this tough. I didn't think I was going to change in the process. But man am i ever. And I'm happy for's just like tougher than I thought.

That's all.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Careful what you call others, you end up being that.

Not too long ago I was saddened that a girl I knew seemed to be having a difficult time with people in the church and she lashed out and was calling them names on facebook. That's okay. Better to not do that, but okay. We're all where we are in life.

Last night I made the decision to stay home. I weighed it like this...I struggle with drinking especially when I am around new people. Drunk people make me want to drink when I have no secure relationships in the room. Given that I didn't really know the person who invited me, the traffic situation, and parking sitch...the factors were adding up. Also, there just isn't money for it. My paycheck wasn't processed at work yesterday so I can't be paying for valet (nevermind the fact that my car dies at every stoplight) and entrance into the show, etc. So it was a no. I have won the battle over alcohol and the only battle to fight is staying aware of my propensity for it.

I'd love to be invited to something that makes me feel safe and loved. I hear of people playing mafia and having girl's nights. But I don't get invited to those. I have my assumptions why. But whatever. I'm not invited and I'm not going to force my way into a social network. And I'm not going to conform to be the person that fits a mold that is the standard for girls in this church's culture to live by. I live by my values and relationship with Jesus alone.

So it was hurtful to see that I was being made fun of today (by the same girl who was calling others names) because I said I couldn't go. Mind you, no one has taken the time to get to know me and know that my struggle has been alcohol and that inviting me to an event that is alcohol based and then ridiculing me for not coming is rather cruel. And that's simply not God. Makes me not want to fellowship with these people. But then that's not God either. I'm just being honest.

At least the thought of not being so lonely here in LA was a nice thought. Where is my lover? I know he'd understand.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


how to bend iron
not even a solid search
will yield results
to ease the wrestling of my mind

how to mold iron
still nothing
does no one practice
such practices?
or is it an unspeakable matter
left for the entangled heart
to search out on its own?

has iron's strength barred
any information about its
destruction from being
transferred to souls who
seeking her refining
use engines to look for answers

it's me
not you

show me how i being the
consistency i am can surrender
show me how i with clear imperfection
can give way to the will of another


It's 10:48 and I have been at work for only 48 minutes. This week I am setting my own schedule, by the grace of God. That is grace indeed. I set it last week and was extremely thankful this morning for that extra hour of sleep and the lessened traffic. Still the same car problems the entire way here BUT the rest of the week I will be on the Vespa (hoping the weather stays in the 80s). Well, the new freedom in the work schedule IS indicator of things to come and when I walked Maguy outside this morning to pee there was a penny on the step...that is SURE sign that God has provision financially coming. That may seem trivial but every time I find money (which is so frequent) I've made a pact with God that I will take that as his sign that he knows I need money and a promise that he is bringing more.

I don't know when I am going to surrender. What is with my trust issues? I seriously do not trust God. I trust my own wisdom over his. That's despicable and disgusting. I, a created being, crying out for the heart of my father do not trust him or what he tells me to do. He is gracious enough and loving enough to come to me and talk to me when I ask him and what he says to me I consider too much to bear and too hard to obey. I don't feel a sense of shame or condemnation about it but I do feel very sad and disappointed with myself. I feel sick in my heart that I am being disobedient. My heart feels ill. I want more than anything to obey. I want my longings to go away or to submit to the will of Christ. I asked for his opinion and his way and he gave it to me and I turned around and said, "This is too much for me." I don't like this about myself and I'm just being honest.

I am back on facebook right now. My face just got all tingly cause now it's 11:01am and apparently that's a good time to cry. I sometimes wonder why God created me with such a strong will. Why? Why am I made of iron? Why??? I'm writing a vision I had is becoming clearer. anyhoo...not the time to relay it right now. But he knows I'm made of iron...he does. I'm just failing to understand why I was created that way? If and when my desires conflict with his desires and directions, it is me who must give. It is me who must bend. It is me who must move. That's easy for a piece of linen. God's breath comes in and it blows right through the linen. I see so many people who are linen around me. They flow and move with God with such ease. It's easy for flowers and paper...I guess not all things are easily moved. BUT iron? Iron is probably one of the hardest things to bend, right? It just seems to me that it goes against my constitution. How does iron bend? How do I make way and do what God told me to do?

Alright well I'm sure there will be more thoughts later today as I am stuck here until 6:30pm. Church tonight though and I am expecting God to show up. I am expecting God to show me how to do this. I am expecting words of encouragement and prophetic words. I am expecting to minister and see people healed and for God to speak through me to others.

That just reminded me. Sunday, I prayed with a brother and God cared enough to heal his sore throat. Isn't that amazing? God cares about sore throats! Most times it's just like...should I really ask for prayer for this? SURE! If it bothers you, it bothers him. So I was thankful for that testimony. So very thankful.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


YES! Double oh seven. I love this number. Not as good as 77 but alas.

Interesting day they all are lately. Please hold while I make coffee at 9pm.

Ok coffee on desk, and just did some dishes...what an efficient little being I've become.

I propose that if a day were not interesting I should not be alive. At least at one point in every day I should be in awe of something. Which is kind of like writing awesome. ha.

Now I have worship music on and I am not far off from starting music production again. I wrote one song today. Yeah God. I have decided to put an end to the striving and the naysaying of my mind and just write. Write and accept it as good and pleasing to the Lord. I know I will get better as time goes on.

So...I tried out the new worship song tonight at prayer group and I took it that since everyone was singing along and harmonizing it might be at least powerful in word. Thank you Jesus! Thank you JESUS! ha.

I'm hoping that the headache is indeed a caffeine headache or I will be up all night with a caffeine buzz and a headache which undoubtedly would be from stress and things I have not yet turned over to God. God is breaking through. God is helping me gain victory in the areas I have struggled with for so long! I don't have enough words for thanks, but there is more to go. More to win, more land to claim back...territory that is rightfully mine because of Christ's victory on my behalf. Freedom. Freedom for my mind. Oh God, let it be so!

My mom bought me the "Horton Hears a Who" sweatshirt I really wanted. I had hoped she would and she did. I picked it up from the Post Office yesterday. jojo got her wish...thank God for the small things. What a good, gracious, ever attentive God we serve. And as if that wasn't enough, I was at B&N last night and wearing the hoodie and there was the book...I opened it to read it to my friend as to why it was SO important to me and my life...and I was ecstatic to see that jojo was in fact spelled the right way...cause it could have been some dumb variation but no, it was the name I was given. Precious.

I'm so glad I went to church today. I fought it again. But I am glad. I received some impartation of 3 singers' anointings and one dancer's anointing. I actually started manifesting under it...rare. focus is becoming clearer. It is not yet a laser beam, but we are making headway and I am having greater and greater faith. Then probably the strangest thing happened...I began experiencing a breaking of the stronghold of isolation that is over this city and has been over my life! I was kind of in shock. But I am so thankful for people I genuinely honor and think are wonderful. I am thankful that God is allowing us time to spend with each other in real time, face-to-face. There is nothing like being with others. Being with God is an entirely different thing....but being with other believers who are equally-yoked and all that goodness...all that...oh the joys!

sorry dance break...

Friday, January 16, 2009


I'm kind of disgusted with myself.

Last night I dogsat. I swear to Jesus that I have an amazing life. The fact that I can sit in a house and watch TV and read a book and get paid for it is pretty unthinkable. It's sad that they don't have a piano cause then I could say that I was getting paid to play the piano. Hardy har.

Anyhoo...I was re-reading the Final Quest. That book just doesn't get old. It's profound. And depending on where you are in your maturity and growth, it hits you in new ways each time. I decided to start re-reading the book because I was "honoring the point" of another. And it was a good point. God clearly has a lot he wants to say to me through this book in this season of my life. I imagine it'll be that way throughout life...I'll pick that book back up and sigh, "Ahhh, that's so me!"

I'm disgusted because of my self-focus, rather than God-focus. Must all of life be such a struggle to get outside our own self-awareness and start living from a higher place? Anything worthy and meaningful is at a cost. The truths are so basic yet in our quest for God's glory, I've found that I forget it is his glory I am living for. It is simply that that I am praying for. I miss it. I miss the mark so frequently.

When God tells me something is coming my way, I get this self-focused perspective that it is meant for me and for my enjoyment. And while I know it is God's heart to make me happy, really his ultimate goal is his own glory. Take me way back to John Piper 101...God is a hedonist. If he weren't he'd be worshipping something else, and not be God. So if through a prophetic word I am told something, my joy must be found not in the gain that will happen for myself, but in the heart of God that through the fulfillment of that word, he will get more glory and honor. If he made me for singing, it's for him. How does such a simple concept get twisted so easily?

Let me be more specific. I never go here, but today I'm going to risk the vulnerability and do it. I want to be married. I don't know too many women who don't have that desire. That desire, any words or promptings of the Spirit about that desire and the fulfillment of that desire are FOR HIS SAKE. Simply. God will partner me with someone who is great with me because it will benefit God. Through it benefitting God, it will bless us both. I'm so looking forward to it. It will be a great honor to love someone and to receive love from someone. It will honor God to make those sacrifices and to work for his purposes to be manifested here on earth.

The trap I usually fall into in this area is like vomiting all over myself. I wonder why God hasn't brought him yet. I think about a million things that are just dumb. But the answer to all of my musings is: it's because this is the way to his highest glory. This is how God gets the most out of my life. If I had a husband any of the last years of my life, God would have gotten less glory than he did in those seasons of my life. In this present season, he is getting the most he can from me through my singleness. What freedom! That's so wonderfully exciting.

In the same manner, God is getting the most out of me and through me as I press through the muck and mire of working at Disney as he asks me to cut back and start working on start trusting him more and not be afraid of man. He met me huge yesterday as I told my bosses I could not come in full-time and they conceded to give me any schedule I wanted. I name it, it's mine. That's so God. That's partnering with God! He's going to get more out of my life now! I'm so happy about that!

Well anyways, I wanted to also say that God gave me so many dreams last night. Something about children in India...hahaha...I think I know what that is. And I woke with peace and joy. I am enjoying not being on facebook as I am seeing God change me quickly for the next things. He is good!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Well I just had to get drastic with it. I am not being obedient and it is actually hurting me to not be so. I feel the weight of my disobedience. So I just pulled myself completely out of the situation that is causing me to remain in the same place.

Hopefully, some of you got the link to my blog before I deactivated my faacebook account. Drastic measure. But I liken it to taking all the food out of your house before a fast.

I'm thinking about to Lent when I was at BelAir. The only year I ever celebrated Lent. Kinda weird. But anyhoo...I fasted MySpace...that was TOUGH! In fact, I cheated. I created a separate account so that I could log on once in a while while still appearing to honor my fast. HYPOCRITE! so...there will be none of that. I will not be logging in to another account so I can be on facebook without being on facebook.

I don't know how long this will last. But I will know when God releases me. I'll miss seeing your pretty faces.


There is this heartcry today. I wondered last night if I was grieving or if I am now living with an ulcer. I didn't sleep last night, well not much. Maybe a couple hours. The process I am going through is drudging up so much stuff in me and I'm finding it really difficult. Familiar pains. It's grief. I know him well. There is a part of me dying and the rest of me doesn't like it. The rest of me functions with that ligament or that limp or whatever part is has been for now. It might just be a tumor. Who knows but my self has grown accustomed to it and it's not happy about the process of expulsion. I feel horribly sad. I feel like bursting into tears at any moment and I do. Same thing as when Dad was passing...that's why I know it's grief.

Fortunately, God isn't silent and he's been speaking to me about new wineskins and the old passing so the new can come. Doesn't make the process any different. But I think I am determined to give praise in this rejoice. I've always just given into despair during grief. But something shifted in me since Dad's death. There really is reason to give thanks in all things. I can't comprehend it fully but all I know is as I give praise it almost quickens the process. And it is a commandment, to give thanks. So that is becoming my focus.

The thing I am struggling with most is obedience. The things God has told me to do are far above my present willingness to surrender. It is really fear based. I can see that now. I fear letting go because I have bought the lie that my way is higher or that I need to do the things I am doing in order to function. The truth is I do not need those things or he would not have instructed me to obey his way. ripppppppppp...the lie further separates from my chest. gah, i feel like screaming.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


haha. this is how it starts, you know? i start writing and i can't stop. it becomes my obsession. well hopefully some good nuggets will come of it and maybe Amy and I can finally work on that book. oh the hangs there like attraction. you gotta do something about it, but do you dare?

so i'm just sitting here at work. totally bored. two more days of this nonsense. two more days. i mean it. i'm done. i mean it. why do you not believe me? God, give me strength. i want this to be over. i'm applying for a part-time temp job that could be good and if i can give music some muscle in this season maybe the walls will just break brittle. yeah, those walls. not made of much anyways.

it's those moments of boredom where warrior me has to rise up and conquer the voices. conquer the doubt. i feel the darkness creeping in. it's hanging on the outskirts of my mind waiting to be allowed an inch for the invasion. when am i going to be untemptable by it? when will it KNOW it has no dominion over me so it just won't even bother? the real issue is all this steam i have and how i channel it. i am what analogy you want to use here...i am waiting to explode. so all this energy has to go somewhere and i hate to admit that most of the goes into repetitive actions which produce anxiety, strain and doubt.

fortunately, God knows that about me so his request yesterday is so grueling that it actually is meant to break that weakness of mine and get me into hearing his present word to me and responding immediately to what he is telling me to do, rather than living in the confines of normalcy and routine. routine kills you. seriously, it kills the real you. and through this stripping i am realising i am so dependent on him talking to me. i am so dependent on knowing second by second what he wants me to do. i've been trying to go it matter how much of me does surrender there is still this part that wants to hold on to my independence and make my own path and hope that he joins me on it.

when there is a path already paved and hedged-in waiting for me. ugh. surrender. why's it so freaking hard?


Rode with Vespa in today with my hair untied and earbuds in. That's a first for the earbuds. I had a great time and at one point when somewhere in Hollywood I thought I was about to get taken to heaven. Man, worship while riding...that is a life thrill. Whew! Thank Jesus for that! Then I was headed over Barham and passing the studios and I just lifted my gaze a little. The mountains, the studios, the road before me, the cars all stopped to my left waiting to inch uphill. I was so into the song I seriously thought about just lifting my arms in a weeeeeeeeeee, I'm free moment. But 1. fear of man and 2. fear of Vespa toppling over stopped me. Oh well, it was in my heart.

I had great encouragement last night from Zoe at church. Zoe is like this little firebomb who I can't figure out fully but I am starting too. So precious. I really dig her. I had asked God yesterday am to have "Happy Day" be played in worship that night and when Charles and the team started in on it, it was one of those, "My thoughts and pleas matter to God moments." So sweet. Something came over me (hmmm, what could that be?) and I decided to kinda let loose with my voice. I don't do that very often. I'm either too afraid I'll hit a sour note or I'm too afraid of being a showoff or just lacking confidence in general. But I really, honestly felt like, "nah girl, you got this." So I went for it. She was back...that voice that I loved so long ago...that voice! I dunno. Is it even my voice? hahaha...I was half there and half somewhere else but I kept singing and had a blast with it...lost perspective of others around me. FREEDOM! oh my. fantastic.

Then I opened my eyes cause I think Zoe had grabbed my arms or something, I dunno. I opened them and it was like I woke up or something and she was standing right in front of me. She's got big blue doe eyes and blonde hair and she dresses like Madonna in the 80s. Love her. So she's right in front of me and it startled me so I gasped. And then I had to kinda shake myself to bring myself back to...whatever. I so I kinda stood there shaking my head and looking into her eyes and she's still holding on to me. And she's all, "When you sing..." and I'm still staring at her still eager to hear her say something. And she starts speaking over me. This kind of thing would have probably made me weep like a year ago. And as I stood there in newly found strength I took it all in. I took it in as the new me. It was confirmation. It didn't produce a sense of longing or doubt or pain. It was, "Yes, Kristin, this IS the way. Walk in it."

And the rest of what she said is between me, her and God. I know enough now to not tell all this stuff. But it was enough to hear what she said, to know that things happened last night because I let that caged bird out. I let her fly last night. God, it felt good. GOD, it felt good. I love that bird. I love that gift. It's like I minister to my own freaking self when I sing. How is that even possible? Does that happen to painters? Does that happen to accountants? I feel the pulse of the very heart of God when I let air pass over my vocal chords. What is that? WHAT IS THAT? I feel like cussing right now out of joy! HAHAHAHAHA! I just don't have words to express how I feel so explicitives are all I can't think of. I can be who I am created to be! I can be her! I just have to let her run. I have to let her play. I have to let her dance. She's in there. She's still in there. All my years of killing her and neglecting her and sabatoging her cannot keep her down because it is God who did this. It is God who made me. Nothing I've done or will do can separate me from who I am in Christ.

What nonsense is this?

Well, I started to relay to Zoe my struggle right now and she basically told me the very thing that I had already concluded. That it doesn't matter the platform, I need to sing. So if that just means that right now all I do is in my doesn't matter. It shifts my shifts the environment around me and soundwaves carry. So as I walk in faith, even in my own house, even if that is all that there is. Even if I just record for myself...I have to start walking it out...THANK GOD for Zoe and for using her to speak his heart over me.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Two posts in one day. woah.

so God just one-upped me. I thought I was doing good at putting into action what I was told to do mid-december. yeah, i'm a little slow. so i've been doing that and ouch it burns...but i'm walking it out.

walking, walking, walking.

then he one-ups me.

what is that? you say this is what you want and i take it for what it means. you know most rational people would say that the strength and perseverance i am exhibiting right now is a good definition of what he told me to do. i mean if i were friend to me i would tell, you, that's really amazing. you're amazing. but God's, that's good okay let's take it another step. i want more from you. i want you to do this as well. it's actually important and it matters if you do it or not. cause what you do when no one else is looking actually creates an environment. others can actually feel what you are doing, even if they never see you do it.

and he's right. and that's true. cause as an intercessor, i know. i pick up things all the time. i know what's going on. no one has to tell me. no one has to spell it out. the secret things are not all that hidden. i can feel the air over your life. i can tell a lot because of the environment you create. so who am i to think that things should be any different for me? superhero complex. gross.


Funny. It's been dark for so long that I'm pretty sure I got used to all those demons. I kind of expect to be having the same thoughts and the same patterns and the same dysfunctions as I always have. Mostly dealing in severe doubt, rejection and self-misperception. I'm sure people with physical healing go through the same thing...behaving like they are still sick. Cause it takes some time after you're healed to enter into the reality that you are healed and free and it's not coming back.

I've been experiencing some victory in my mind in the last couple of days since I got ministry. I kind of expected to still be walking around bearing the burdens I always have and mostly carrying that same ache, that ancient ache. But it's just not there. That little ounce of hope really has started to shine in my heart and it's speaking loudly to that darkness. Really. I probably don't have adequate words to express myself here. English is so limiting.

So I'm gonna dance like I mean it. I'm gonna live like I mean it. I'm going to follow that voice and not waiver. Faith and patience. I don't want it unless it's from him anyways. The one I'm surrendered to is great. If he said it, it's just not come yet. Let that truth go deep.

I'm learning a lot about moment to moment submission and obedience. Even in my songwriting, I find I am striving instead of receiving and relaying. I sit down out of duty. I play cause I think it's what I should be doing instead of letting God just woo stuff out of me. I want to be wooed. I want him to want the stuff inside me to come out. And really, he seems more concerned about just being with me right now than what I can produce. I think production equals value. The people I esteem most are in two camps: they are uber productive or they practice the presence of the Lord and live in it. I've found that many times I will give up on the presence and go into production mode in order to find peace. But I think production must come from peace. Really, from any of the fruits of the Spirit. Otherwise, I am just like the rest of the world. I want nothing more to do with striving. I want what joy brings. I want what Love brings. Moreso, I need it. I'm lost without it.

So here I am. Practicing presence. Maybe my life won't end up the way I envisioned. Maybe it'll exceed my greatest dream. I hope so...but either way, I think the only thing that really matters is how much I let God in and how much I surrendered to him. How much I believed what he whispered to me. He's good. He's so good. And he loves me. I'm his favorite.

Monday, January 12, 2009


On my way to work this morning I was thinking about how I would be blogging away today in order to be productive and really start catching my thoughts instead of letting them fly away into the ethereal abyss. I was recounting the Sunday just past and formulating phrases that would probably impress a few people with my brief moments of articulation. Alas, my morning has been derailed. The desk I am at at the less-than-happiest-place-on-Earth is sans internet. What a thought. Being unable to connect to the virtual world actually renders you completely useless and worthless when your entire universe requires connectivity. Almost unthinkable that so much of life is built around access to networks and servers and whatever…not like I really know what I’m talking about. But the fact that I can’t even access a list of phone numbers unless my internet connection works is frankly ridiculous. I’m glad we’re saving paper and all, but seriously…

Two hours of life passed waiting for the issue to be resolved. I am reconnected to the world. I feel useful and productive and lame. Makes me want to just go for a good hike or run naked into the ocean or something. I hate how much the electronic age is interfering with just the normalcy of existence and relationship and that honest, look-you-in-the-eye and tell you I love you-ness that been dowsed by the waters of efficiency and productivity. Gag.

Yesterday. Sunday. Barely made it to church...which for me is looks like 9:30 I start doubting that I really want to go and Holy Spirit starts knocking louder and reassuring me that there is something waiting me and just for me and to press through. But that's just it. I'm so tired of pressing through that it's starting to bother me. Okay so my muscles are getting bigger and I'm learning my own weaknesses and God's ability to pretty much just thrash any dumb idea that I have or that has wandered its way into my image center. But for some reason, I'm not happier with just big muscles. I want the prize...I want the thing I've been training for. I want the promise. In timely fashion, Hebrews 6:12 was covered yesterday and it was a reminder. Faith and patience to inherit the promises. If you don't remain in them, don't be pissed things don't come about. Faith and patience. It's in the Word.

That means staying the course for an indefinite amount of time and pretty much dealing with a barrage of storms, earthquakes and bankruptcies before God finally breaks in and says, "See I told you so." He's like that. Not in a mean way but seriously like innocent and full of love. "See I told you so." He loves telling us something and seeing us believe and then giving us the thing we believed for. He does. I know that side of him. I love that side of him.

So the first part of the service was bad for me. When I can't engage in worship, can't sing, can't praise, can't dance...something is maligned and needs serious adjustment. I sat most of worship. Numb. I knew a couple people noticed. But I even went to the back and sat amongst people that I didn't even know so that I could avoid further attention. I put up with off-key singing and everything. When you're not singing, you're forced to listen to others. Unless I'm next to some of my favorite singers, I'm usually miserable if I'm not singing. I was so numb the off-key stuff wasn't totally annoying me. Yeah for not wanting to knock her out because she can't sing. No one in that section really seemed to have much joy either so I felt in good company. At least we were of one accord.

Hey raise your hand if you need some prayer for whatever it was they were saying. So I stood. Yeah, yeah. Jaded, cynical me. Okay no one is coming...and as I put my hand donwn there "someone" was to pray. Okay, that's nice. But no change. Just numb. Then someone else came and started prophesying over me to not give up hope. Yep...there it was. That's the ice pic. I began to cry and to my surprise, he began to cry with me. I cried, he cried. Then I got control of myself and I was okay. And the last thing he said was DANCE!

Well sure enough, Colin decides to put on some music for offering time. And he's all, "It's a secular song cause God touches everyone so come on up and dance." Yeah. Why not? In my heels on a slippery floor, I danced. I danced...and it kinda turned into a little moshy pit. So much fun. We just rocked out for the whole song and then returned to our seats like the non-religious freaks that we are and continued on.

Good message from a couple visiting from Bethel. Thank GOD! and the rest of the day I'll just leave unwritten. I seriously had so many people pray over me that I'm not sure I can count. Tons of encouragement. Tons. I felt good going home. I slept good. I prayed in intercession this morning to secular music cause I felt God in it. I enjoyed the mountains on the drive.

But the battle rages on. The pain is there and I want it gone. I am in the last push and it is grueling. I am having to stand up against the past, the barrage of lies that rip my sides open and only look into the face of Jesus. Only hear what he whispers to me. To count all the rest count all the rest, especially reason as lies. Because I know my savior's voice and I know I heard him. So I buckle down, I bear down and I'm pressing in.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Better to start writing than to title first. The title becomes apparent as you write, but if you title something too soon it limits the work from actually happening. I've found this in music, in relationships, in poems, in jobs. Titles limit. Maybe this blog I will number my entries instead of giving them creative names. I do know this: If I set a hard and fast rule, one day I will want to break it. So I am just not going to worry about the course this new blog will take. Welcome to a fresh start at blogging. "Leaving everything else behind..."

It's 2009. Thank God, in an all honest meaning of the phrase. Thank God. I remember blogging many years previous at the beginning of the year and every year everyone is filled with optimism about the number change. Seriously, every year. I like that about humans. But my wisdom tells me now to not let the emotional undercurrent sweep me away with the rest of the ship's passengers. Time will proof their suppositions. I'm trying not to make any. I have an ounce of hope for this year. I have an ounce of hope for all the things that have been prophesied and spoken over myself and others to start being brought into some sort of tangible manifestation. Even if it's an ounce, it's still hope. But more than not, I feel like I'm somewhere between an anchor for and a black spot on everyone's optimism.

The thing I have said before still stands true. You can't be passive and wait for things to happen to you. Fulfillment in life and especially of the promises of God over your life require participation. Not a working it up in your own effort, no. That's gross. But, a leaning into God's presence and a leaning on God in order to know what steps you should take. And it takes submission. Humble submission. I am a rebellious soul and I rarely like what I hear as "this is the way walk in it." What God tells me to do just doesn't send me out the door jumping for joy and skipping down the street in laughter. His instructions require sacrifice. As all love does. And I find myself in physical pain sometimes because what he says in a protective, fatherly, loving way to me is so counter-intuitive to my own dealings and desires. All my best-laid plans resonate in my chest. But God's plans lay deep in my gut and I know that I know that I know I have no better choice but to trust and obey. Other choices abound and I frequently try out many measures to avoid doing or manipulate what I've been told to do before I actually do what he asks of me.

I'm writing about this because well, I'm struggling with obedience. I have been for about a month now. A solid month of being gently reminded to do something. It started off real simple and I blew it off. Then confirmation after confirmation started coming at me and I was sure in my gut that I was really supposed to do this outlandish thing. But, I didn't. I just couldn't. It hurt too much. I'm still struggling with the nuts and bolts of "how" and "why." But I know those answers will come.

Who, What, Where, When, Why, How? --ask until you get the answers. (When, I'm afraid, will always be the toughest one.)

So welcome friends, welcome to 2009 and my journey through it. Welcome to those of you are unfamiliar with my bluntness. Welcome to those of you who love that most about me. Something good is going to happen. That I know because it is written in the Word. So...I believe, I hope. And hope does not disappoint us.